external DB client to run analytics queries

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I would like to use an external DB client to run some queries against the analytics tables.

What steps should I use on the PG host tp create a read-only PG user so I can query the analytics data externally?

Since I can log into the PG server as root and become the PG user (same user that running the postmaster process I assume I should be able to issue some sequence of CREATE USER, GRANT PRIVILEGES commands to create the user.

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Since you have access to the PG server, you should as superuser (apigee i would think) be able to do the create user and grant privileges steps.

Yes, I did that. Here;s what I did:

1. create the DB user

[root@myedge ~]# sudo su - apigee

[apigee@myedge ~]$ which createuser


[apigee@myedge ~]$ createuser myuser -P

Enter password for new role:

Enter it again:

2. Grante the DB user Perms

[apigee@myedge ~]$ /opt/apigee4/bin/psql.sh

psql (9.3.10)

Type "help" for help.

apigee=# GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA analytics TO myuser;


apigee=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA analytics TO myuser;


great! I assume this user is now able to perform the appropriate queries against the schema?