Failed SSH connection when using ssh2 module with Trireme

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Our project needs to send files to remote server using sFTP. So we created a ssh2 Client:

var Client = require('ssh2');

and connecting with:

var conn = new Client();

conn.on('ready', function() {

conn.sftp(function(err, sftp) {

var writeStream = sftp.createWriteStream( "/test.json" );


}).on('error', function(err){ console.log(err, "ERROR"); conn.end() }).


The issue here is the process fails on Edge(trial version) and success with Node locally. The error message on Edge:

{ [Error: Handshake failed: signature verification failed] message: 'Handshake failed: signature verification failed', level: 'protocol' }

We tried with local installed Trireme, it works sometimes but failed most of the time:

> trireme test.js

Any clues?

0 1 1,136

@Spartacus What is the use case? What are you expecting Apigee Edge to do here? FTP is not a good use case for Apigee. If you are trying to send files you should either explore to stream the files or upload them in BaaS and make it available from there.