Populate cache policy failing in hybrid


I am trying to load the token obtained in the service call-out response into cache... I am able to generate token successfully using service call-out... but not able to load it into the cache...PFB populate cache confirmation


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Is there an error you are getting when populating the cache? The platform throws error if it cant populate the cache.

Provide additional details.

I am getting generic error 500 Internal error when I hit the API from postman. It's failing at Populate cache policy. If I open the policy in the trace, I don't see any error message within the policy. Just mentioned as policyName.failed = true.... The variables referenced in the policy are also populating I can it in the trace

How is flow.esignApi.accesstoken being set? 

A 500 can be generated if the entry cannot be cached, refer to 


  • flow.esignApi.accesstoken is being set in a javascript policy. And the variable is getting populated in the trace.the string that we are loading into the cache is of size 1745 characters..


In a vertical bar next to populate cache policy in the trace... I am getting below error

class com.apigee.flow.Variables cannot be cast to class com.apigee.entities.info.TargetInfo

(com.apigee.flow.Variables and com.apigee.entities.info.TargetInfo are in unnamed module of loader 'app')




Can you try this: use a name like flow_esignApi_accesstoken (replace dots with underscores) for your variable name.

There is a case where it is possible for logic in your policies to overwrite variables that the Apigee runtime expects to see. And if that happens, the processing can fail. So try a different variable name and see if that changes the behavior.


I have tried with flow_esignApi_accesstoken variable, it's throwing the same error.