calling another Apigee X API proxy using


We have a use case to want to change the route dynamically between either a separate upstream service or another Apigee API Proxy. the transformation of this data will be the same regardless of where we send it. A teammate had previously spiked this out using as the target endpoint host for cases where we want to keep it in apigee. This no longer seems to work, I'm not sure when this would have changed. 

If this method has been deprecated is anyone aware of a way to do this currently in Apigee X, Thanks

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You should be to leveraging Proxy Chaining for a Proxy to call another Proxy deployed in the same environment. 


Hi, im aware of Proxy chaining, but we have enough logic within the target endpoints that we don't want to duplicate it for a separate TargetEndpoint.

We are hoping to use the other local target endpoint as a stub endpoint for integration tests, as our actual data changes too often, and we want to have as little extra boilerplate in our actual proxies as possible

Yes, with Apigee X you cant ingress via for reaching to other proxies deployed in the same environment. 

I have the same problem, but through the proxy chain can not solve it. Have you solved this problem?