Management API for Portal API Catalog

For Apigee Edge Cloud,

Does anyone know of a way to make API calls to modify the Dev Portal API Catalog?

In particular, the ability to refresh an out-of-sync spec.

I looked through the managent api operations, but don't see anything related to the portal, or catalog.

Is there a way to do this? 

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We are running Apigee Edge for Public Cloud, so this doesn't apply.

Regardless, that article doesn't describe how to refresh an out-of-sync spec on the Dev Portal API Catalog.

next time try to write your versions inside the initial thread so we can understand what version you using. 

for the embedded portal, you have ui ux capabilities for syncing (if you using spec editor and change something, on portal page you will see orange icon of out-of-sync). not sure if there's a management API for that, and the reason for that(in my opinion that seems logical to me) - not every version or modification in your swagger spec inside the spec editor has to automatically be published to portal (that is live and prod), so you can avoid mistakes. 


for drupal part and refresh - you have to build cicd pipelines for syncing if needed.  by using API's for refreshing the specs, based on some trigger. 



Hi Denis - Thanks for the response, and trying to help.

I did say "for apigee edge cloud" in the first line of my post.

I am aware of the capability to refresh the openapi def in the ui, but I am looking for a way to do this programmatically.

I think next I'll see what calls the browser is making when i refresh through the ui.

No problem, doing my best. So to understand the terminology: 

portal that built-in to Apigee cloud is "embedded" or "integrated" portal. ) When I see (at least me) "portal" - I refer this to Drupal, because lots of customers using drupal for their portal. But okie-dokie, lemme try to see and help you more on your question.