Making a company inactive has no effect

Not applicable

When I set a company to be inactive using this endpoint:

....I can still see the company in the API listing and access it's developers via the API. The only affect I see is that it's not on the listing page in the Apigee UI. Is this expected?

From the documentation page, it states:

Sets the status of a company to active or inactive. If you set the status to inactive, you cannot access the developers and apps associated with the company.
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Not applicable

I just discovered an undocumented feature where you can filter the company listing results via the API by using a query param:


Not applicable

The company is not deleted, rather the status is merely changed. It will still return on a GET request though your call should have updated status to inactive.

Thanks for responding. I did discover an undocumented filter (above), but that status changing does seem to have limited utility?