​Invoking an api that requires windows authentication

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I'm creating a proxy to invoke a target endpoint that uses window authentication. What's the best way to authenticate/pass credentials from proxy in Apigee? Are there any working samples?

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@Sandeep S

The best way to authenticate/pass credentials is to use KVM policy, which store your credentials and you could retrieve those and use it any where in the proxy.

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Thanks for the replies, but storing the credentials is not an issue. I'm having issues authenticating the target endpoint. I'm using node.js. We have on-premise install of Apigee. This is the error I'm getting:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Script node executed prematurely: Error: Cannot find module 'request-ntlm-continued'\nError: Cannot find module 'request-ntlm-continued'\n    at module.js:340\n    at module.js:280\n    at module.js:364\n    at require (module.js:380)\n    at \/organization\/environment\/api\/ntlm.js:1\n    at module.js:456\n    at module.js:474\n    at module.js:356\n    at module.js:312\n    at module.js:497\n    at startup (trireme.js:142)\n    at trireme.js:923\n","detail":{"errorcode":"scripts.node.runtime.ScriptExitedError"}}}

@Sandeep S

Did you complete the implementation. If so could you please share the sample sniffet.