Accessing property error.cause to handle "Host not reachable" errors

We want to return a specific error message when the host we are trying to send our request is a non-existing DNS and can't be resolved.

The problem is Apigee doesn't have a specific error for this, Apigee just says "Error writing request to target", and we understand this can happen in other circumstances different from a non existing DNS.

We can see in Trace a property "error.cause" which shows exactly what we want to identify this error:


But we are having troubles to access this property on runtime, it seems like it's not accesible.

Please can you tell us if is there a way of accessing that "Host not reachable" value, or any other way to unambiguously identify the unresolved DNS error?

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Is there a solution for this ? For some of the network related errors, it would make sense to send the actual error instead of generic -  Service Unavailable error. The exact error(error.cause variable) can be seen in the trace  under the edge-generated fault handling conditional policies in run time , but doesn't seem to be accessible. 

It seems there's no solution for now.

any suggestion on this topic? @dchiesa1 @DChiesa2023 ?
is it possible to access the following variables?
