404 on all proxies - free trial account

Not applicable

I set up a new Apigee Edge trial account and am attempting to follow the ApiMV4D videos

All the API Proxies I create show that they are deployed but when I access them they are returning HTTP 404

Per my images below - I click through from the 'API Proxies' page so using correct URL .

I can see this issue has cropped up before e.g.



Solved Solved
1 17 545

Hi @felix volz I have just fixed your org. The issue happens when the virtual host host alias contains a capital letter. The root cause in the provisioning process is being addressed. If you are affected by this, please let us know the org name so that we can fix the host alias.



Karl Kalckstein, Support

View solution in original post


Hi Felix, I'll ask the people on our support team to have a look and see if they can find a problem.

@felix volz , Can you send me the org name you are using "Ask An Expert" button on right side bar ?

@Anil Sagar - it's in the screenshot - macquarie

@Dino , Yep saw that, For some reason org info is giving 401, So, I was just re-confirming. Looks like some serious issue in provisioning / trial pod. Following up with support.

Not applicable

I think I'm seeing this same issue as well. This happens for me whether I'm trying to add a API proxy on Apigee Edge or by using the Microgateway. Are there any updates on this issue?

What is the name of your organization, please?

Hey @Dino, sorry that I missed this. My org name is: DSI

@felix volz , Following up with Apigee Support. I will keep you posted.

Hi @felix volz I have just fixed your org. The issue happens when the virtual host host alias contains a capital letter. The root cause in the provisioning process is being addressed. If you are affected by this, please let us know the org name so that we can fix the host alias.



Karl Kalckstein, Support


Orgname is : Macquarie

Thansk Karl, yes I can confirm my proxies are functioning now

Hey @karl.kalckstein, my org is 'DudeSolutions' and I am having the same issue.

@Srinandan Sridhar, can you apply the same fix that Karl did to the org 'DudeSolutions'? Josh and I work on the same team, so if you could apply the same fix, that would be greatly appreciated.

@Duy Vu I found your org. Will let you know when this is fixed.

Hey @karl.kalckstein, thank you for the update. Just to confirm, my organization is: DSI. I just tried hitting the proxy, still no luck as of right now.

Sorry @Duy Vu this should be fixed now.

Awesome, thank you, @karl.kalckstein!