pricing plan


while i am going through apigee docs found that enterprise plan support

up to 10 Orgs/Environments .What if we have more than 10 Orgs wanted to created to support Multi-tenanancy.

Please revert if anyone have an idea.

0 8 3,843

@murali parepalli , OnPremise or Cloud ?

I am looking for both OnPremise and Cloud.

@murali parepalli ,

OnPremise: There is no restriction. You can create any number of orgs / environments. License NOT tied to org / env combos.

OnCloud: If you need additional orgs / env's , it's an add-on. You can talk to the Sales Executive.

Please feel free to contact Apigee Sales / Send DM using Refer button on right side to provide more context on the opportunity.

thank you for the answers

Hi @murali parepalli,

Actually I want to setup apigee edge platform. For that i need license file. So, I raised so many requests to apigee sales but i didnt get any respons from their side. did you get any response from them?


Hi @monika- Please provide your email and I will make sure you get support.

Thank you for your response. This is my mail id @Sheldon

Hi Anil,

On the same query.
May I know there will be an additional licensing cost for setting up an additional env for APIGEE edge private cloud (on prem). I understand that, for on-prem (private cloud) there is no restriction on having ORGs and Environments in one instance of APIGEE .

