drupal upgrade from D7 to D8

We have servers behind the firewall and no access to internet. Do we have any list of repo's which are required to enable


Is there a way to upgrade the drupal while creating a tar ball on a server with internet and setup.

Can anyone share the details?


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Architecturally D8 is significantly different from D7 and hence migration can't be automated. Apigee's Drupal 8 modules are a from-the-ground-up new product and are open sourced.

Refer to the following doc pages to know more about Drupal 8 modules and the support process:

  1. https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/publish/drupal/open-source-drupal-8
  2. https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/publish/drupal/d7-d8-module-comparison
  3. https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/publish/drupal/support-for-apigee-d8-modules

Migrate Drupal 7 developer portal entities to Drupal 8:


Just so you know, the migration from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 will be very easy since the upgrade to Drupal 9 will only be the removal of deprecated functions in Drupal core.

Need guidance as there are too many articles and it is super interesting.

All we need is to upgrade drupal (d7) to d8 and we don't internet access. We need to create a local repo (and do that what all endpoints we need to request for firewall) similar to what we do for apigee edge.

Do we have some instructions like below for drupal?



To create a local Apigee repo:


Here is the instructions for installing a Drupal 8 site: https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/modules/apigee-developer-portal-kickstart/use-kickstart-with-apigee-ed...

If you are deploying to servers that do not have Internet access, you should create a Git repo to store all files in and check in everything after creating a working instance on a local development machine. You can then use Git on the test/production servers to deploy out the same codebase to those machines.

The process for updating is then to run "composer update" commands and check everything into Git, then use "git pull" to bring down changes to your test/prod servers.