Email or SMS based alert

Not applicable


Would you please confirm whether it is possible to send Email or SMS based alert to a specific address in case of any incident happens in the Application/API Proxies. Like, the proxy is down or someone exceeds quota limit or generating errors.

So that NOC team can get those notification over mail.

Note, here I am not considering any integration with Alarm monitoring system or processing Mbeans or using JMX client.

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@Mosaddek Hossain

You could look at this post for a number of suggestions (note, however that where Apigee Health is referred to it's now Apigee Test at

We use Apigee test for some monitoring and alerting.

We also have one API that uses a service callout to Slack - if your email/SMS provider has an API then you could call out to that from your proxy to generate the email/SMS alerts.

@Mosaddek Hossain

APIGEE has provided ANALYTICS API Call.

For example,

curl -v -u <username>:<Password> "http://localhost:8080/v1/o/<ORG>/e/<ENV>/stats/apis?select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=04/09/2015%2...)" -X GET -m 30

This call you can execute on Management server. Internally, MS will get the data from Postgress server. In the response, you will get HTTP error and based on that error, you can send an email alert.

You can create a script to automate this like HTTP Error Code in last five minutes.

I hope this information was helpful