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Since ‎05-12-2020

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Hi Team,I have generated a new access token and refresh token for the machine user. got a new access and refresh token using the following command.curl -H "Content-Type: app...
We generally use gitflow maven plugin for releases but that uses only jar files. Is there any specific plugin or method where we can be use version registry and releases for zip files?This may not be useful but just giving an example what we use here...
We have moved to SAML based authentication in our Org. As of now I’m generating the access token and refresh token using the following method in my laptop and using it in POM. Is it possible to auto generate the token and use it in CICD pipeline. Or ...
Hi Team,I can able to run the CICD stages(config, package proxy bundle and deploy proxy bundle) which apigee is suggested but when i try to upload the zip file into Nexus which is failing.A sample snapshot of pom file: org.apache.maven.plugins maven...