Permission '' denied on resource 'namespaces/<PROJECT-ID>/services/<FUNCTION>' (o

Hi there, I keep getting the error Permission '' denied on resource 'namespaces/project-id/services/function-1' (or resource may not exist). even though the user account has the permission


I have spent a lot of hours trying to find a solution, please help.

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1. What command are you trying to run?

2. If you're running a gcloud CLI command, make sure you have the right account as the active account. Run the command below to find the active account

gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)"

3. If it turns out you don't have the right account, you can change it by running

gcloud config set account <accountemailaddress>


4. Also make sure you're executing commands against the 'right' project. Best way to do this is to always include the --project flag in your commands


   ......NoCommandLine ......
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