Google’s Application Integration with ServiceNow Connectors

Setup ServiceNow Account

Create Developer Account

You will need to register for a free ServiceNow (SN) Developer account. Instructions for that are here. You will have two logins, one for your SN developer account and one for the admin for your instance. Make sure to save both of these.

Once you login to your SN account, go to your profile, and click on Manage Instance password


Click on Manage instance password, and you will see instance URLUsername and Password keep it handy, we will use this when creating ServiceNow connector in Google’s Connector Platform



New App Engine Studio Application

Create a new application in the App Engine. Create from scratch (not template). Leave user roles as default.

Create Custom Table (Customer)

Once your developer instance is up and running it will extend the SN Task table to build our custom Customer table.

Table name: customer_data Label: Customer


  • Select all for users and admins
  • Click “Continue” => Creates table => Click on “Add new field" and add the following fields
    User_Id STRING
    First_Name STRING
    Last_Name STRING
    Sex STRING
    Email STRING
    Phone STRING
    Date_of_birth DATE
    Job_Title STRING
    Update_Time DATETIME

    You are all set with ServiceNow

    Setup Integration Connector

    • Connector Platform go to Google cloud console and find the Integration Connectors, and navigate to Connector screen


    • Click Create -> Select ServiceNow from Connector dropdown



  • Go to Application Integration module and Create a new integration Add ServiceNow instance URL
  • Add Username/Password 


  • Click Review and then Click Create

Please wait for few minutes for the connector to be provisioned, and then you will be able to proceed.

Setup Sample Application Integration

  • Drop Api Trigger, DataMapper and Connector task on the canvas
  • mtalreja_7-1687893492714.png
  • Configure Connector, select the service-now connection you made in “Setup Integration Connector” section, Select the Region -> Connector -> Entities -> Browse for newly created custom “Contact table” -> select the choice of Operation “Create”mtalreja_8-1687893492714.png
  • Create input contact payload variable which you will pass to integration, and Make sure to load the payload as Input of Integration, here is the sample Json payload which you can use to generate the payload with schema
  • { "User_Id": "A4BF8fac1227a2c", "First_Name": "Hailey", "Last_Name": "Pena", "Sex": "Male", "Email": "", "Phone": "231.412.1068", "Date_of_birth": "1984-09-18", "Job_Title": "Clothing/textile technologist", "Update_Time": "2023-05-31T21:41:24.314658" }


  • Map your input payload to connectorInput (AutoGenerated by App Integration) object




    Make sure to mark you connectorOutputPayload variable be set as output of integration
  • Save and Test integration.


  • Once successful it will generate the output payload


  • Now go back to ServiceNow Instance and verify that the new record is created in a table.

Congratulations, you have successfully integrated with ServiceNow using Application Integration.

Please refer to git repo for integration definition and other related assets.
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Hi mtalreja,

Thank you for posting this. This is very helpful for me because I'm trying to do a similar thing with BigQuery and HubSpot.

May I have a more bigger image of "Map your input payload to connectorInput (AutoGenerated by App Integration) object" section? 
I was just wondering exactly what kind of Input/Output settings I should make.

Thank you in advance.

Thanks for pointing it out, I have updated the image.

Thank you so much!