Welcome to the Network Planner Community!

Hi everyone,

My name is Alyssa and I’m on the Google Network Planner team.  I wanted to introduce myself and welcome everyone to our newly launched Google Network Planner Community Support Forum hosted by the Google Cloud Community!

Our hope is that this community will be a place for you to collaborate with a large community of Network Planner enthusiasts and users.  You’ll be able to share ideas and resources, and ask questions.  In addition, our own Google experts that develop, maintain, and support Network Planner will contribute to discussions and questions you submit.  (And of course, you can always check the Network Planner Help Center for answers to the most frequently asked questions about using Network Planner.)  

As a reminder, access to Network Planner is currently limited to our Early Access Users.  That program is now closed and we are not accepting new users at this time.  If you’re an existing customer and need to add users to your account, please email networkplanner-support@google.com.  

Please keep our Community Guidelines in mind when posting, and be sure to select the “Network Planner” label when posting and browsing.  We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for choosing Google Network Planner,


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How do you access this community? Is it just a label inside Infrastructure: Compute, Storage, Networking ? I appreciate the post and activity here. I depend heavily on Google Network Planner!


Yes, it's a label within the Infrastructure: Compute, Storage, Networking group!  

To post, visit this page, select "Start a Conversation", and assign the "Network Planner" label.

You can also browse other posts by selecting the "Network Planner"  label on the right hand side of the "Top Labels" list of the same page, or going directly to this page.

Hope that helps, and thanks for choosing Network Planner!

Aloha Alyssa,

When I login to the network planner I find an empty projects page, but am unable to hit any buttons or do anything to start new projects? This happens regardless of which SAS account on the project we sign in under. Can you help me please?

screenshot: https://photos.app.goo.gl/x7LBLH49oUyeheNm8

I'm having the same issues. have you figured out what the solution is to get it all back up and running?

This issue usually occurs when a user has no formal role in the Network Planner. Perhaps you only have view access to the Network Planner, or your organization does not have a Network Planner account but an individual project was shared with you from someone who did. I would recommend reaching out internally and asking your team if your organization has a Network Planner account. If you do, I would recommend asking an Admin to reach out to Network Planner support and ask them to provide you with a user role.

I am admin of the projects and only one that is signed up for network planner. I have tried to contact Network Planer support and was told to use the forum. 

Please try reaching out to networkplanner-support@google.com for assistance directly and articulate that you believe this is a log-in issue. Please also make it clear which organization you belong to which you believe has a Network Planner account

Roger that. I actually am the team as this is a small project, so I'm admin, CPI et cetera.

How do I gain early access?  We are a new company and want to use this tool for planning.


Thanks for your interest in the Network Planner!

The Network Planner is currently in early access and is not accepting new users at this time. Keep an eye on this space! If opportunities for new users become available, we will make an announcement here on the Community Forum.

Kind regards,

I am unable to view a project that has been shared with me by a Network Planner user. I stepped through the process of creating an SAS account and can view/create projects in SAS, but when I click on the invite for the Network Planner project, I get a page with a blank list for available projects and cannot see the one they shared with me. Am I missing something in the setup?

Hello Alyssa.

Could you tell me how can get an access to Google Network Planner please?