Google SAS Extended Rollout Schedule

When will the new extension be rolled out to Arizona? We have a critical application in operation and need to validate when the change occurs. 

2 15 389


Great question!

This feature is not being rolled out regionally, but on a per user ID basis. We are expecting to enable the feature for all users by April 26, 2024. 

If you want to see if the feature has already been enabled, you can check that in the SAS Portal!

  1. Select a device with an active grant in the SAS Portal. 
  2. Select the Status tab.
  3. Expand each individual grant and check the Transmit expiration.
  4. This value will be 6 hours in the future if the feature is active and the grant is eligible.

I would recommend checking grants in the upper 50 MHz (3650-3700 MHz) if your devices are relatively close to the coast. 

In particular we are interested in the user ID "cts". The client we have is an ultra high reliability application and the extended grant time would be of tremendous help. The customer is not in a DPA so there is no concern there. The sooner the better would be better for transition. Thank you

Our client is pushing very hard on us. Can we accelerate this change to occur today? If not, when can we do it? I need a firm date and time when this will occur.

Hi James, 

Hope you are doing well. 

We have a production deployment, where some gnb's in the same area are on frequency range 3550-3590 and some in 3645-3680

We notice that gnb's in 3550-3590 have transmit expiry 4 min. no change.

But, the gnb in 3645-3680 the first 10 Mhz have 4 min as transmit expiry and the rest 30 Mhz have 6 min as transmit expiry.

Is the rollout completed for phenoix area? if so, could you help us understand why we are having different transmit timer expiry.




The feature is being rolled out on a per-user ID basis. If your transmission expiration time has remained unchanged, it is likely that the feature has not yet been enabled on your user ID(s).

hi @James_S 

The CBSD's are registered with same user-id, we are seeing different transmit timer expiry with some CBSD's in the same location. 


If you are only seeing a 6 hour expiration time in the upper 50 MHz (3650-3700 MHz), it is likely that the device is in a DPA neighborhood and is therefore only eligible for the extended transmit time on frequencies 3650-3700 MHz. The 10 MHz channel you mentioned (3645-3655 MHz) contains 3645-3650 MHz, which is outside of 3650-3700 MHz. 

I checked the googl SAS CBRS over lay and selection option DPA neighborhood CAT A/B. My CBSD's are not anywhere near DPA neighborhood. Please advice.

hi @James_S 

Do you have an update on this?


My apologies for the delayed response. There are P-DPA neighborhoods that cover much of Arizona. Please see page 34 from WINNF-TR-5003 for more details.

Hi @James_S 

I think you meant page 24, P-DPA zone is for CAT-B.

Our CBSD's are cat-a. does this apply to cat-a aswell?


You are correct, I meant page 24. The SAS takes into account both Cat A and Cat B neighborhoods. If your Cat A devices are not receiving the extended transmit expiration time, they are likely within the Cat A P-DPA neighborhood as well.

Hi @James_S 

Referencing to page 21. "Map of P-DPA's for contiguous US" Is this for CAT-A cbsd?

Our filing was for CAT-A cbsd grants and we are out side 150 kms referencing page 21.

How do we know if we are in the active P-DPA zone for CAT-A?


Please either send me a direct message or enable receipt of direct messages on your end so we can coordinate on this request.

Can I please get a definitive response on this topic?