Deep link to bring up interactive dashboard view with pre-selected records?

One can write a deep link expression to a certain record (linktorow), or a deep link expression to a certain dashboard view (linktoview), but can they be combined so that a certain record is already selected in the targeted dashboard view? If not, you can change this thread to a feature request.

A possible workaround, pointing LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() to the dashboard view. But does the context of the condition work on records of the first element of the dashboard?

Status Planned
32 9 2,241

It sounds this is more likely a feature request

Gold 1
Gold 1

HI @Marc_Dillon Is this a possible solution for you?

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Maybe. I did not consider custom created URL deeplinks. I’ll check it out. Thanks!

New Member

I have recently found myself trying to accomplish this. The two methods I’ve tried are:

  2. Using the deep link CONCATENATE(“MyApp-123#view=DashboardView&table=TableName&row=”, ENCODEURL([KeyColumn]))

Both attempts give the same results for me. I have managed to navigate to the correct record of the dashboard, however once I am directed to the dashboard view I am no longer able to click between records and view it interactively like it normally is.

Any ideas as to why this might be happening?

Gold 1
Gold 1

Please have a look on my comment and @Harry’s answer below.

Gold 4
Gold 4

Potentially you can achieve using Google Map API - URLs.

Depending on how you would capture the data for Point A (origin) and Point B (destination) dynamically within Appsheet, but it should be doable.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Since I’ve been thinking about this request recently trying to help out in another thread, I came up with a syntax for an expression that I think could work here.

LINKTODASHBOARD( view-name, table, row_key [, table, row_key]... )

As there can be one or more Tables represented in an interactive dashboard, and you would need to specify exactly which records in each Table to be selected.

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Status changed to: Planned
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Community Manager