Unable to connect to Edge-ui after upgrade to 4.17.01 when using SSL.

0 1 726

It's is possible to encounter circumstances where after an upgrade you cannot connect to the Edge-ui server.

This can happen if the following is done:

Edge-ui has SSL port enabled on 4.16.xx (and is working as expected)

Upgrade to 4.17.01. As part of this you'll need to upgrade to Java 8

Edge-ui starts after upgrade but you cannot connect to port.

At this point check the following log:

/opt/apigee/var/log/edge-ui/edge-ui.log for the message given below:

[error] application - [CustomSSLEngineProvider] Unable to decrypt https.keyStorePasswordEncrypted [warn] o.j.n.c.s.n.AbstractNioSelector - Failed to initialize an accepted socket. 

To resolve this issue just run the steps for "Configuring TLS for the management UI" on the newly upgraded environment using the steps given in the link below.

Configuring SSL for the Management UI

Not applicable

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Version history
Last update:
‎03-17-2017 08:45 AM
Updated by: