How to Export KVMs

2 1 890

Exports Apigee Edge KVM entries to a directory.

Getting Started

The following article is an extract from Apige-Grunt-KVM-Export Git repo. All steps to try this tutorial are available from it.

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-apigee-kvm-export --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "apigee_kvm_export" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named apigee_kvm_export to the data object passed intogrunt.initConfig().

  apigee_kvm_export: {
    "testmyapi" : { //target specific options go here, in this example first target is testmyapi. This will be replaced with your org in Apigee Edge
      options: {
        type: "org",
        dest: 'config/kvm/testmyapi',
        match: /^(passwords|targets)$/ //  exports all KVMs by default or /(.*?)$/ when match is missing
    "testmyapi-prod" : { //target specific options go here, in this example first target is testmyapi environment and prod org.
      options: {
        type: "env",
        dest: 'config/kvm/testmyapi/testmyapi-prod',
        match: /^(passwords|targets)$/ //  exports all KVMs by default or /(.*?)$/ when match is missing



Type: String Default value: 'env'

A string value that is used to do retrieve KVM at specific scope. Valid values environment and organization.


Type: String Default value: './'

A string value that is used to specify where to save KVM files. Will use root folder in absence of this option.


Type: RegEx Default value: /(.*?)$/

A RegEx value that is used to specify which KVM names will be exported. By default, all KVMs are exported. Specify multiple KVM entries with vertical bars. /^(passwords|targets)$/

Usage Examples

Default Options

In this example, two targets are declared testmyapi and testmyapi-prod. Each target has defined options as per above directions.

  apigee_kvm_export: {
    "testmyapi" : { //target specific options go here, in this example first target is testmyapi. This will be replaced with your org in Apigee Edge
      options: {
        type: "org",
        dest: 'config/kvm/testmyapi',
        match: /^(passwords|targets)$/ //  exports all KVMs by default or /(.*?)$/ when match is missing
    "testmyapi-prod" : { //target specific options go here, in this example first target is testmyapi environment and prod org.
      options: {
        type: "env",
        dest: 'config/kvm/testmyapi/testmyapi-prod',
        match: /^(passwords|targets)$/ //  exports all KVMs by default or /(.*?)$/ when match is missing

Incorporating this plugin to Apigee Grunt Scripts

Each target is designed to be executed based on the flags passed by users. Therefore, it is highly recommended to select targets leveraging these flags. For instance, the following command explains how to switch from one organization and organization to another one.

  ['apigee_kvm_export:' + grunt.config.get("apigee_profiles")[grunt.option('env')].org,
  'apigee_kvm_export:' + grunt.config.get("apigee_profiles")[grunt.option('env')].org + '-' + grunt.option('env')

which can be executed with grunt-cli as:

grunt apigee_kvm_export_full --env=test --username=$ae_username --password=$ae_password --stack --curl

Note: apigee-config.js contains the definition of the Apigee-Edge profiles. These profiles are required to be loaded within grunt.initConfig. For a full example please see this plugin Gruntfile.js file

Not applicable

Hi Diego,

Thanks for fixing the sdk, I got it working both the import and export codes, I'm currently trying to merge the import and export and noticed that the implementation in the import kvm's is a bit different in export. what I'm trying to achieve is to export KVMs from test env then import to prod for now (but main goal is to transfer those also to another org with specific env).Is it possible to change the env config from test to prod when importing the KVMs?

The challenge I am facing right now is that once the --env is set to test (via console) then gruntfile executes, export will run pointing to test after that I am not able to change the target to 'prod' to import those KVMs in prod env.

Version history
Last update:
‎04-30-2015 10:20 AM
Updated by: