How to share page including uploaded images

When I use the share button to send a page/row, it converts all my images into their file names. Is there a way to include images when sharing/exporting a page? 


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  • UX

What share button are you talking about?

The basic share option that copies a row's contents into an email.

You mean an "external: start an email" action?

Screen Shot 2023-04-30 at 10.23.01 PM.png

 โ€ƒI guess so but I didn't program it, it's just a default option

Oh that share button. That's for sharing the entire app with someone. Isn't it? You have a really old UI there, maybe it was different in the past. In any case, maybe you should check out creating a Bot for sharing record details. Also experiment with the image security settings.

No, if you use it from a specific entry you send just the contents of that page. Not sure why I would have an old version...

Even the "Share Button App" Share ButtonAppSheet โ€บ samples โ€บ How-to-create-... has a separate, built-in share button that just opens your email. I am wondering how to use this but to include the images in the page. 

You're on an old UI because you must have originally created this app several years ago.


No, if you use it from a specific entry you send just the contents of that page

The new UI generally makes it impossible to even access that share option from the context of a single record, so I have no way to test what you said there. Nor have I ever heard of anyone using it like that.


I have no idea what the purpose of that sample app is. That share button just seems to create a record in the other table, but nothing else happens.


I still think you should create a Bot for this.

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