Appsheet server is completely down now...

I could not open all the app, and app editor at all. Completly broken, it looks the appsheet server is currently down now.. I m in Japan. Anyone else seeing the same?



19 79 5,662

I'm having same issue. It's not completely down, but very slow response. Also, I wasnt able to login with crew tools browser extension for appsheet since Saturday.

It seems outage is happening once again....


Me too.

Yes, i am having same issue

My goodness! Again and again...

It looks like the server is back again. I could manage to open apps now.

Yes, it works normal for now. 

From Vietnam. Today Appsheet was working very slowly. Many users feedbacked to me about this issue I also checked my apps are working slowly after clicking the sync button too. Please review this problem. Thanks.

Still no improvement.

Can't access editor nor sync apps right now too. 

Made a report at

I would avoid editing anything for time being.

Syncing very slow more thán a minutes



Right, my apps usually take 3-4 seconds to sync 20,000+ rows.

Same here! People on production are waiting with their raports! 😩

same issue here. from Philippines, it also seems that the AND() function inside select() functions doesn't work.

Seems to be working again.

app syncs now. however some functions are misbehaving as mentioned earlier. Will wait to get resolved before making mor updates on appsheet

Hi everyone.
Today, AppSheet needs time to display again.
How about your organization?



Here in Poland it's the same... Extremely slow app loading times...

Hi, same here in the Philippines, we are encountering slow loading time.

new issue arise, experiencing slow sync times this morning. 

Hi folks,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Our monitoring shows slowness from 9:40pm PDT on Dec 11. It is similar to the event on Dec 10. We are investigating the root cause.

We have identified a problematic feature that caused high load on our system. That feature is now disabled and the system is rolled back to Thursday's state. Our metrics indicate that error rates returned to normal at 00:50 PST, latencies are down to the regular range at that time as well.

We will do a RCA for this event.

@isdal So much amount of the frustation from the users/creators are coming due to such repeated outage. It is not a matter of the duration, the problem is the business applications such as AppSheet is out of use which stops/helt ongoing business.

Plesae review and investigate the case once again to avoid the reoccurance. I have requested the exactly same request before for hundreds of time sadly...

Also the status dashboard is not working and not providing the realtime useful information at all. This dashboard seems to be out of order as well.


Soooo true @Koichi_Tsuji  !!!


Same. Have to run save twice to save when developing. Takes a minute each time I try.

@Koichi_Tsuji wrote:

Also the status dashboard is not working and not providing the realtime useful information at all. This dashboard seems to be out of order as well.


I use Uptime (formerly Better Uptime) | Better Stack to track the status of apps.

Same in Norway. Sync takes 4-5 minutes and only goes through 1 out of 5 times. And saveing in editor has the same issue. Saying: You changes couldent be saved. (no explenation).

BUT: This also happend Friday 3 days ago! Our 800 users were out for 5 hours. This is really not professional...!!! Our users are loosing their patience now... I got 400 emails with errors and complaints this morning!

Same in the Netherlands. Sunday and now Tuesday not working. There is no place to look if there is a central issue or what the cause was.


Well, with nothing working in Appsheet for 4 hours now, I asume we can all just leave work and go home.....:( This is really costing  a lot of money!

Lokks normal again in Norway... FINALLY!

Almost my apps are not working, too slowly. The first time I see this issue: "-2[-2]"


yes, at tihs particular moment, App sync ultra slowly.  I suspect another server issue is behind the scene.


Appsheet team every morning since Monday  



yep! Except it's night for us and an angry pager shaking us awake. Fortunately we now have a very good understanding of the issue so I have high hopes that we finally get some sleep tonight.

We understand how disruptive this is for our customers who rely on AppSheet for their business and we are doing a very detailed RCA to avoid any reoccurrence of this or similar issues. 

Thanks for answering. Fortunately bugs like that are fixed within hours. But I understand they can happen, and eventually not fixed with a single update. 

If I can make a suggestion, having info about servers status/on-going investigation would be great. Wether in , a pinned forum post or a dedicated web page. If we can receive any form of notification when an issue arise, we can inform users and reduce time lost.

The system should be back to normal as of 23:02 PST. Please contact support if you still see issues. Detailed updates here:

@isdal yes its back to normal now. Thanks for the update.

Hi @isdal 

AppSheet is currently running slowly.
Are you experiencing the same problem phenomenon?

How is it in your environment?

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