while i am configuring edge micro gate way it returned 500 internal server error and cached config not available,unable to continue what can i do?

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Hi @A.Anu Manasa,

Could you please provide a little more information? Are you doing the steps in the getting started/setup doc? What version of Edge Micro are you using? What OS are you running it on? Which command are you running that produces these errors? Any other information will help us figure out what's happening, and get you back on track.

Not applicable

Hi @wwitman,

I am using Apigee Edge Micro 1.1.0 and OS is Windows 8.1.I am running ./edgemicro verify -o docs -e test -k <key> -s <secret>

Hi @A.Anu Manasa

Here are some suggestions:

In case you need access to the 1.1.0 docs, they are archived here. The live docs on the Apigee doc site are for the latest version, which is 2.0.

Do you have OpenSSL installed on your machine? You need OpenSSL to be installed and in your path to run Edge Microgateway. This was left out of the 1.1.0 docs, but is in the newer versions, and in the FAQ.

You can try starting the agent in debug mode to get more information: DEBUG=* npm start

The latest version of Edge Micro v. 2.0 was just released. If you're just getting started with Microgateway and you can choose, then I'd recommend using 2.0. Install instructions and a download link are here.