transform null to "" in response payload

Hi @Dino-at-Google

Concern: Apigee endpoint is pointing to the target endpoint, when we fire a request to APG, backend is responding with the mentioned payload.


"age": null,
"street": null


My requirement: This is how I want the response back to the consumer

"age": "",
"street": ""


Here we need to convert null to ""



0 5 505

Here's what I would do. Use a JS callout and parse the response. Check for each property and replace nulls with empty strings.

function replaceNullWithBlank(input) {
  var output = {};
  for (var prop in input) {
    if (input.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      output[prop] = (input[prop] === null) ? "" : input[prop];
  return output;

var c = JSON.parse(context.getVariable('response.content'));
var output = replaceNullWithBlank(c);
context.setVariable('response.content', JSON.stringify(output));

Hi @Dino-at-Google,

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry, the code snippet mentioned by you is not working in APIGEE, can you please make sure if it is working on your end.





Your code is working only for the mentioned senario in the question earlier.

It is not working if the payload is having a child objects

Example: The response payload may contain multi-level of child objects and arrays

    "A": {
        "age": null,
        "name": "ash"

You need to make the function recursive to handle that case.

<Javascript name='JS-SwapNullWithBlank' timeLimit='200' >

function swapNullWithBlank(value) {
  return (value === null) ? '' : value;

function objectWalker(convert) {
  return function fn(input) {
    var output;
    var t = Object.prototype.toString.apply(input);
    if (t === '[object Object]') {
      output = {};
      for (var prop in input) {
        if (input.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
          output[prop] = fn(input[prop]);
      return output;
    if (t === '[object Array]') {
      return {
        return fn(item);
    return convert(input);

var c = JSON.parse(context.getVariable('response.content'));
var convert = objectWalker(swapNullWithBlank);
var output = convert(c);
context.setVariable('response.content', JSON.stringify(output));