shared flows deployment in mass

Hi There,

Let say I've 10 shared flow and 10 proxy endpoints to deploy to prod,how could i deploy at one go in to prod.Is there any script would you suggest for this mass deployment. Pls advice.

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Popleys you need to look into Apigee maven plugin.


You can check both apigee-deploy maven plugin as well as apigeetool node module. You should handle it in your CD pipeline to deploy the sharedflows and the proxies.

For eg: you may have a single repo for sharedflows - each folder in that repo can contain one sharedflow bundle. So you need to build the scripting logic in your CD pipeline to traverse through all the folders and deploy each shared flow.

(Below is a windows commandline script if that helps to give you some ideas.)

echo Loop through the sharedflow folders and deploy
FOR /D %%G in ("*") DO ( 
Echo found folder %%~nxG
apigeetool deploySharedflow -u EDGE_USER -p EDGE_PASSWORD -o EDGE_ORG -e EDGE_ENV -L EDGE_HOSTURL -n %%~nxG -d .\%%~nxG
echo Deployment Complete