shared flow for dynamic routing based on http header but pass existing qryparms/headers from request

@kurtkanaskie @kurtkanaskie1 @dchiesa1 

we have a requirement to set target dynamically based on incoming http header value but still copy all the other http headers & query params etc that come along with incoming request. Is there a way to build a shared flow for this functionality & utilize it at multiple api proxies so that we dont need to set target.url , copy headers, copy query parms & others manually in each api proxy that we build. what would the standard & best way to do this for multiple api proxies?

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That's easy enough, just use an Assign Message in the Shared Flow to set a flow variable "target_url_set_from_header". Since this is so simple, it's hardly worth creating a Shared Flow as you just need a single Assign Message policy.

For example:


<AssignMessage continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="AM-target-url">


Then use that variable in the Target. Note that you no longer need to have a scheme when using variables for the URL, that's a recent fix.




You could also just set "target.url" directly in the target request flow and then it won't matter what value you have in your Target Endpoint, as setting "target.url" overrides that. I like using the explicit variable as it makes it clear how the URL is being set.

You may be tempted, as was I, to just use a template value for the header for the Target URL, but that won't work as the dots in the template expression cause it to be interpreted as a hostname.




As for copying all the headers and query params, you don't need to do anything, they are automatically copied to the target.


curl https://$HOST/target-in-header -H x-target-url:

Hello, Raghu!




Thank you @kurtkanaskie . But we can't see the queryparams automatically cpoied to the target.url we created using assign message  policy. Here are our assign message policy.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="AM-setTargetURL">
<AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>

And our target configuration looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<TargetEndpoint name="Dynamic">
<PreFlow name="PreFlow">
<PostFlow name="PostFlow">

By using this we didn't see queryparams copied to target server. If you think we miss some  thing let us know.

Since you are explicitly setting the special "target.url" variable to a value, you are effectively overwriting the entire URL. Try using a different variable name (e.g. target_url_set_from_header).

This works:

curl https://$HOST/target-in-header?user=QueryParamUser \
    -H x-target-url:

Hello, HeaderUser,QueryParamUser!


Thank you So much @kurtkanaskie It works.