role or access needed to get instance details using REST management api call in apigeex

Hi @kurtkanaskie @dchiesa1 do we know what kind of role or access is needed for pulling instance information. we are trying to dashboard in our internal portal the list of environments, instances, apigeex version on instances, traffic per day/month etc.

GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*}
Gets the details for an Apigee runtime instance.

Is there a easy way to determine what role is needed for a specific management api call? we wanted to give the least access needed for pulling the details.

currently we are trying with apigee read-only admin & seeing permission denied error



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Hi @raghunathapalle,

If you go to the GCP Console IAM section and select Roles from left nav bar, then type in "apigee.instances" in the Filter bar you'll see all the roles that use that resource(s).

I just tested this and I was able to "list" and "get" instances using Read Only Admin.

Be sure you don't have any "conditions" on your role assignment.