peformance testing of edge on prem instance

I wanted to know the options to do performance test on the edge on-prem instance. I know we have got various tools like jmeter that can help here but is there any standard way recommended by Apigee? Please let me know if we have any useful links/documents that can give more details around this.

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I assume by "peformance testing of edge on prem instance" you really mean performance testing your APIs. There is not point on testing Edge with a "Test API" that it is not your real implementation. You must baseline your real APIs.

API Proxies performance may vary depending on how the proxy was implemented, number of policies, policy type and policy configuration used, backend system responses, payload size, etc. That is what you must measure.

In regards to tools, you can use any load-test tool as long as the tool can invoke your API implementation. If what you are looking for is for a way to generate some traffic to validate installation, you could use something like Apache AB.

Hi @Kuldeep Bhati , @Maudrit,

Thank you for your reply. I just missed to reply on this thread. I wanted to know from a scenario of a fresh on prem instance installation. If we want to do some load testing, resilience testing, soak testing, etc. to check different factors like how much is the database performance, how good is the setup in terms of peak TPS, average TPS, how quickly the database gets full, how the HA failover works(in an active-active setup), how the recovery mechanism works, check CPU utilization, etc.

Do we have any checklist and the points that will help us identify the areas we want to cover in this exercise apart from the ones mentioned in your comments?

Appreciate the pointers around this.



Hi @yuriyl, @NICOLA, @Dino

Can you please help here with reference to resellience testing.



Hi Santosh,

Have you done the above testing in your on-prem apigee installation, I'm also need to do a performance testing. 

ok will get in touch.