need to change the display format for Issued and Expires fields on App page


I need to change the display format (to long or medium date formats) for the Issued and Expires fields  that are displayed on the Credentials section of the app (collapsible card). Currently these fields are displayed in "ago" or "hence" format.

I was looking at the below link and it shows a long format for the Issued field.

We are using

Drupal version - 8.9.15

Apigee Kickstart version - 8.x-1.22 





0 3 99


You will be able to configure from Admin >> Configuration >> Apigee Edge >> Apps  >> Developer App settings >> Manage display

Please make a note that there are different display view like 'Default' and 'Collapsible card'

As you can see in the screen shot, these fields (Issued and Expires) are not available to configure in the manage display. 




You're right, it is not there for 'Issued', 'Expires' field. Limited fields like 'Created' and 'Last updated' are there in the list.

This could be new enhancement, raise your feature request at