get proxies pointing to same target

Is there a way to check how many proxies are pointing to same target endpoint. If a target endpoint system is being replaced by a new system, this information would be required to make changes.

0 5 298

Dont think there is any such functionality documented.

If you have used Target Server, we can update the base path and it ll be updated, unless you need to make changes to URI path too

@Navjot Kaur

Hi Navjot,

There are few ways to do this:-

1) You need to write a code that first

a. Gets the list of APIS in the ORG and save the API NAMES

curl -v -u username http://localhost:8080/v1/organizations/<OrgName>/apis

b. Get the revision deployed for that API. (Its possible that more than one revision is deployed for an api)

curl -v -u username http://localhost:8080/v1/organizations/<OrgName>/apis/<ProxyName>/revisions/

c. After this, run the below api call to get the target URL

curl -v -u username http://localhost:8080/v1/organizations/<OrgName>/apis/<ProxyName>/revisions/<RevisionDeployed>/targe...

Now, you can create a csv file that has the API PROXY NAME, Revision deployed and the target URL.

And then you can apply for filters and you can find out if there are proxies which has similar target URL

2) If you have access to postgress data then you can fire postgress queries and get the similar results as in method 1. Let me know if you need postgress query.

I hope this would help:)

Thanks and Regards,

Gaurav Bhandari

Hi Gaurav

This method gives target URL. what i am looking for is-

lets say we are using an end point in few proxies. Some use this as service callout, other use as target endpoint and few in node js calls . how to identify all these proxies.

Hi @Navjot Kaur,

The easiest way to find out all the proxies using a particular target endpoint is through analytics reports. This approach is possible only if you have some traffic flowing to the respective target endpoints and proxies.

Create a simple custom analytics report where Metrics is Traffic as a sum.

Select the Dimensions as Target IP/Target Host based on your requirement.

Select the second Dimension as Proxy.

And that's done. Run this report and select some time period where you have the traffic flowing for these target endpoints.

Hope this solves your problem.

Hi Mohammed

Will this approach find out details if the end point is used in service callout?