developer engagement report in Analyze can't export the details into csv anymore

It appears there has been an enhancement to the UI for Developer Engagement report in the Analyze We can no longer export to CSV the details we can only download the summary chart data. We need to have the ability to download the detailed information.

With the enhancement has this option been taken away?

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It was an oversight on our part. Sorry about that. We will make a new release this week adding this feature back in the new UI. Thank you

@sushmanadella Do you know when this function will be added back? As @GOTTKR1 mentioned, this isn't feasable for us to download each metric individually.

This was released last friday. You should be able to see a download icon in the top right of the table. Maybe refresh the page and see if you are seeing the latest release.

In the top right hand corner of each metric. In Custom Report, there used to be an option to combine all and download one CSV file for all chart data. In my case, there were 7 metrics/charts displayed in my custom report- now I'd have to download each one individually. Additionally, when I do download, the column headers are the data endpoints and the rows are the Summary; these seems opposite of what it used to do. I've outlined a box below where I used to see the option to "combine all and download".


Hi , We have a new release coming up addressing this. We are still dsicussing on when to release, but yes we have got this addressed in the coming release. Sorry for the inconvinience created