company details using display name from UI of company instead of company name,Is there any another way to get company details using display name from UI of company instead of company name?

Requirement: Fetch company Details

Issue: As per requirement I want to fetch company details , I have tried both options i.e Access

Entity Policy and Management API.In both way ,I need company name to get details for particular

company,which I am getting from management API response,which is not feasible .Every time I have to run Get list companies management API and find the name of company which I need .

In Edge Company name field is available which is save as display name in database.See below Screenshot.

When I run management API to list companies then i got following response :


From this response I got "dummycompany-abc" this company name ,using this I executed the

Get Company Details management API and got following response (see below screenshot). In this response name and display name field are different.


Requirement: Fetch company Details

Issue: As per requirement I want to fetch company details , I have tried both options i.e AccessEntity Policy and Management API.In both way ,I need company name to get details for particularcompany,which I am getting from management API response,which is not feasible .Every time I have to run Get list companies management API and find the name of company which I need .In Edge Company name field is available which is save as display name in database.See below Screenshot.

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