can we take users from Okta and create apps in apigee

Currently we are using okta as IDP for our website.

We wanted to expose few of our apis, so that client can invoke them using apikey. to authorise i wanted to use apigee.
Apigee helps to create consumer apps and respective keys. but while creating apps we need to provide the user details present in the apigee, but i wanted to use the existing users in okta.

Any help is appreciated.

G N Sharan Sai

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I was mentioning about
-> Users, who use the apps built by these developers.

Developer -------------------------------> The persons who are our clients and they are using our apis to build their applications.

how do we authenticate them?

Sorry, again. I am still not clear. Which are you talking about? When you say "how do we authenticate THEM?" - does the THEM refer to Developers? or users?

Developers authenticate to the developer portal. You can use Okta or other IdP here.  From the developer portal experience, the developers provision and obtain app credentials. After downloading credentials, they can build apps that use those credentials to that consume your APIs. 

The apps, at runtime, do not authenticate the developer.  The apps carry credentials that have been inserted by the developer, but there is no authentication of the developer as a user, happening inside the app when the app executes. The developer could be sleeping, or surfing, or at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro with no access to internet. But the app still executes.  There is no authentication of the developer at runtime. The USER may authenticate.  Depending on the design of the app and the APIs, the user may authenticate with Okta, using a 3-legged OAuth flow.  In addition to authenticating the end user, the token dispensary will also validate the app credentials that were obtained by the developer. But that is not the same as authenticating the developer. There is a subtle difference here, I hope you get it.  At that point the app will have an ID token and an access token for the user. 

The example I linked to earlier, shows this. Shows how to embed Apigee into a 3-legged oauth flow for USERS. Have you looked at that example? 


View solution in original post


@gnsharan wrote:

while creating apps we need to provide the user details present in the apigee, but i wanted to use the existing users in okta.

Can you explain which users are authenticating to Okta? 

There are different "spaces" of users that interact with Apigee:

  • Admins and operators and API Publishers. These are generally people "on your team"
  • Developers who get credentials, and through them, the ability to invoke the APIs published by "your team"
  • Users, who use the apps built by these developers.  

You can use Okta to authenticate Any or all of those spaces. Which one are you talking about? 

 If you are talking about "users", then you may be interested in this example

Dino, Thanks for quick response,

I was mentioning about 
-> Users, who use the apps built by these developers. 

Developer -------------------------------> The persons who are our clients and they are using our apis to build their applications.

how do we authenticate them?
1. Do we need to keep the duplicate copy of developers in our dashboard server and also in apigee developer space?
2. As these developers are already registered with our backend server.
3. Is there a way, such that the apps created will be assigned to okta developer
4. Can i get a sdk such that my backend server can contact apigee and create these consumer app and users, without interacting with UI.

Thanks in advance.

I was mentioning about
-> Users, who use the apps built by these developers.

Developer -------------------------------> The persons who are our clients and they are using our apis to build their applications.

how do we authenticate them?

Sorry, again. I am still not clear. Which are you talking about? When you say "how do we authenticate THEM?" - does the THEM refer to Developers? or users?

Developers authenticate to the developer portal. You can use Okta or other IdP here.  From the developer portal experience, the developers provision and obtain app credentials. After downloading credentials, they can build apps that use those credentials to that consume your APIs. 

The apps, at runtime, do not authenticate the developer.  The apps carry credentials that have been inserted by the developer, but there is no authentication of the developer as a user, happening inside the app when the app executes. The developer could be sleeping, or surfing, or at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro with no access to internet. But the app still executes.  There is no authentication of the developer at runtime. The USER may authenticate.  Depending on the design of the app and the APIs, the user may authenticate with Okta, using a 3-legged OAuth flow.  In addition to authenticating the end user, the token dispensary will also validate the app credentials that were obtained by the developer. But that is not the same as authenticating the developer. There is a subtle difference here, I hope you get it.  At that point the app will have an ID token and an access token for the user. 

The example I linked to earlier, shows this. Shows how to embed Apigee into a 3-legged oauth flow for USERS. Have you looked at that example? 


Thank Dino,
Will look into it.
As per the example.
The app should make multiple calls(to authorize, then get the token and then execute the api with the token received) to execute a single api right.

Thanks for the support

@gnsharan wrote:

The app should make multiple calls(to authorize, then get the token and then execute the api with the token received) to execute a single api right.


Correct. that is the way it works with OAuth: apps have access to credentials - often a client ID and secret, but there can be other credential types. Apps use those credentials to obtain a token. (Think of the token as another kind of credential - a time-limited credential.) Then, the app makes a request-for-service, passing the token in the request.  The service provider validates the token before providing service (= responding to the API call).  

You might be wondering: Why is it important to have time-limited credentials?  The key reason is that the window of vulnerability for a lost credential is smaller.  Recognize that by sending the token across the network, it is somewhat exposed. It becomes vulnerable to leakage or compromise. This can happen because of incautious logging, or tracing, or a TLS 0-day exploit, or a weak cipher, or some other problem. This kind of problem is hard to avoid when sending sensitive data over a potentially hostile network.  If the token "leaks", or is disclosed inappropriately, then the malefactor can use the token for the duration of its lifetime. But if the lifetime of the token is just 15 minutes, then there is a very small window of vulnerability.  Conversely if you were to send the long-lived app credential in requests for services, there is a similar non-zero likelihood that the app credential will leak, for the same reasons and in the same ways I discussed above. And if that app credential lives for a year, or more, then, malefactors have a much longer time period over which they may fraudulently exploit that credential. 

What's the difference? you might wonder. The app credential is still long-lived, right?  OAuth tells us to use the app credential as a way to get a short lived credential (token).  But the app credential still lives for a long time, and still is subject to compromise, right? That's true, but..(1) the fewer times you transmit a credential over a network, the lower likelihood of network-based compromise.  Conversely if you transmit it more frequently, you will have a higher chance of compromise. Sending the app credential ONCE, to get a token that can be used in thousands of requests-for-service, or even tens of thousands of requests, limits the potential exposure of the app credential.  and (2), there is no need to send the app credential over the network at all, if you use one of the more clever grant types, such as the one described in IETF RFC 7523 - in which the request-for-token is made via a self-signed payload (signed JWT).  And taking that one step further, if the app credential is a private key, then that can be provisioned in the browser itself via WebCrypto, which means it never needs to be transmitted ever, not even during initial provisioning. 

You might then ask, why not just use this signature based credential passing idea for every request-for-service?  We could abandon the idea of the token, and just always sign requests-for-service in a way similar to what is described in RFC 7523.  That would be "secure", but there are downsides. The biggest one is, it would be expensive in terms of time and CPU resource for the service  implementation to validate the signature on every inbound request-for-service.  If you're processing 10 requests per second and you don't mind 8ms more latency, then it's no problem. But if you are servicing thousands of requests per second, and you care about latency, then you don't want to be validating cryptographic signatures for every request. Better (more efficient, faster) to use an opaque token. 

tl;dr: OAuth is a good idea.