apigeex - peering range for apigeex runtime to customer VPC

Team , do we know why do we need such a big peering range of IPs /16 or /20 (as per documentation) between apigeex runtime & customer VPC project. what are all the factors that are taken into consideration for this range allocation. Even if we have a bigger runtime with multiple environments it might not use more than 400 IPs correct? Also for the south bound architecture design with apigeex , runtime could directly interact with multiple service work load projects sitting in different networks as long as the runtime subnet range is having connectivity through BGP session peering/VPN tunneling correct?

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The VPC peering CIDR range is used by the Apigee X "tenant project" runtime components, its separate from the "customer project", which only needs IPs for the Proxy VM MIGs. Apigee requires a sufficient peering range to satisfy it's auto-scaling requirements, which is dependent on the number of environments and proxies.

This docs page may help https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/system-administration/peering-ranges.