Working analytics API query has started giving Data Access Error,Analytics API Data Access Error

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We have been using several queries to pull down data using the analytics api. These queries have been running without any issues until 8/6 at which point they started to give us a Data Access Error. I broke the query parameters apart one by one and narrowed it down to the "filter" portion of the query.

This portion of the query now causes a failure in prod on the apps dimension:


Has something changed with the filter parameter? As a test I replaced the criteria on the smart docs Analytic API Dimension Query page here:

under the criteria I put in all relevant information and replaced the filter criteria with the example criteria (response_status_code gt 500 and response_status_code lt 599) and it also gives an error. If i remove the filter the query begins to work again.


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Hi, can you paste the complete API query call?

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Sure @spadmanabhan,

This is the full query only replacing the company name with [company]. If i take the bolded filter parameter out the query works again. These parameter values have been working without issue until 2 days ago.[company]/environments/prod/stats/apps?select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=08/06/2016 00:00~08/08/2016 24:00&timeUnit=day&filter=(%20response_status_code%20eq%20'200'%20and%20apiproxy%20eq%20'our-api'%20)&limit=14400&offset=0

I got a bad request when i took your query string and submitted. But my fix to the API call was on the tiemRange clause ('+' sign introduced) and then it worked. Here is the updated api call which ran on our "cosafinity" organization


can you try this version and report the response?

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Hi @spadmanabhan I copy/pasted the query and replaced the company name with ours and received a "missing select parameter error". I noticed that the "select" in your query was missing an "e". I added in the missing character, ran the query and still receive a data access error

@brianross thanks -- can you open a ticket with our support team with details and we will follow up. We are looking into logs and we will narrow down the issue but this is probably better tracked as a ticket.

This query should work now. Pls. try again.

Thanks @spadmanabhan everything is working again including the example query i originally posted. What was the cause?

We had a schema update that invalidated a view definition in the database. We had to recreate the view definition.