Why the value of context.getVariable('client.sent.end.timestamp') is always coming as -1


I am using JavaScript to send APIGEE proxy details as logs to Datadog. I have noticed that the value of context.getVariable('client.sent.end.timestamp') is always -1. It is timestamp and should not be -1. What is the issue here?

Here is the script below -

var logging = "true";

if (logging == "true") {

    // Get variable from previous KVM configuration lookup
    // var logServerURL = context.getVariable("exco.loggingUrl");

    // Set the Datadog API URL here.
    var dd_api_url = "https://http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com/v1/input/ddapikey?ddsource=apigee";

    // Debug
    print('LOGGING ' + dd_api_url);
    print('Name of the flow: ' + context.flow);

    // calculate response times for client, target and total
    var request_start_time = context.getVariable('client.received.start.timestamp');
    var request_end_time = context.getVariable('client.received.end.timestamp');
    var request_end_time2 = context.getVariable('client.sent.end.timestamp');
    var target_start_time = context.getVariable('target.sent.start.timestamp');
    var target_end_time = context.getVariable('target.received.end.timestamp');
    var total_request_time = request_end_time - request_start_time;
    var total_target_time = target_end_time - target_start_time;
    var total_client_time = total_request_time - total_target_time;

    var timestamp = crypto.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS');
    var organization = context.getVariable("organization.name");
    var networkClientIP = context.getVariable("client.ip");
    var httpPort = context.getVariable("client.port");
    var environment = context.getVariable("environment.name");
    var apiProduct = context.getVariable("apiproduct.name");
    var apigeeProxyName = context.getVariable("apiproxy.name");
    var apigeeProxyRevision = context.getVariable("apiproxy.revision");
    var appName = context.getVariable("developer.app.name");
    var httpMethod = context.getVariable("request.verb");
    var httpUrl = '' + context.getVariable("client.scheme") + '://' + context.getVariable("request.header.host") + context.getVariable("request.uri");
    var httpStatusCode = context.getVariable("message.status.code");
    var statusResponse = context.getVariable("message.reason.phrase");
    var clientLatency = total_client_time;
    var targetLatency = total_target_time;
    var totalLatency = total_request_time;
    var userAgent = context.getVariable('request.header.User-Agent');
    var messageContent = context.getVariable('message.content');

    // Log attributes
    var logObject = {
        "timestamp": timestamp,
        "organization": organization,
        "network.client.ip": networkClientIP,
        "env": environment,
        "apiProduct": apiProduct,
        "apigee_proxy.name": apigeeProxyName,
        "apigee_proxy.revision": apigeeProxyRevision,
        "appName": appName,
        "http.method": httpMethod,
        "http.url": httpUrl,
        "http.status_code": httpStatusCode,
        "http.port": httpPort,
        "status": statusResponse,
        "clientLatency": clientLatency,
        "targetLatency": targetLatency,
        "totalLatency": totalLatency,
        "http.client.start_time_ms": request_start_time,
        "http.client.end_time_ms": request_end_time,
        "user-agent": userAgent,
        "message": messageContent,
        "client_sent_end_timestamp": request_end_time2,

    var headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    // Debug
    print('LOGGING OBJECT' + JSON.stringify(logObject));

    var myLoggingRequest = new Request(dd_api_url, "POST", headers, JSON.stringify(logObject));

Solved Solved
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Unless you're executing this AFTER the response has been sent to the client (ie, in PostClientFlow), this variable won't have been set yet. Please see https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/reference/variables-reference#client.

Assuming you're executing this close to the end of the processing a good approximation is to use the current timestamp.

Also, this JS code seems to be used for sending log information to a logging system. If your system is syslog compatible, you could use the MessageLogging policy (which can be executed in PostClientFlow)

View solution in original post


Unless you're executing this AFTER the response has been sent to the client (ie, in PostClientFlow), this variable won't have been set yet. Please see https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/reference/variables-reference#client.

Assuming you're executing this close to the end of the processing a good approximation is to use the current timestamp.

Also, this JS code seems to be used for sending log information to a logging system. If your system is syslog compatible, you could use the MessageLogging policy (which can be executed in PostClientFlow)

OK, I have added the script in in the ProxyEndpoint response's PostClientFlow. Still getting -1 for client.sent.end.timestamp variable. Here is the gif - https://a.cl.ly/wbu7Y11N.

You can only add a MessageLogging policy to the PostClientFlow. No guarantees that your JS code will execute then (and its results).

My recommendation is that you use an approximation to this value (current timestamp)