While accessing the details from API BAAS using the api Call , i am getting error

HI Team,

By calling the below URL (API BAAS URL)


and with HTTP VERB GET, I get error

{ "error": "unauthorized", "timestamp": 1451069668396, "duration": 0, "exception": "org.apache.usergrid.rest.exceptions.SecurityException", "error_description": "No application guest access authorized" }

Please let me know the reason behind this error

0 3 533

PLease reply

Not applicable


If you want make your collection accessible from outside, it is necessary to add permission. If you haven't done so already, then follow these steps: Users-> Roles-> Guest -> Add Permission. Specify the verb and path for the collection. You can also find the steps here.

By Default, All Apps data other than sandbox is secured using OAuth in Apigee BaaS. Find more about same here.