Where can I see the space I have available for my organisation?

Not applicable

How is the space allocated?

Is it per proxy for instance?

Or is it an overall limit for the whole organisation?

0 9 212

What space are you referring to?

Not applicable

Storage space. If a proxy has a node application and is 50MB in total, if I have 200 revisions, taht would be 1GB in files...

There's no restriction based on storage for proxies. There are restrictions based on number of proxies for the Start and Pro subscriptions: https://apigee.com/about/pricing/apigee-edge-pricing-features

Are you sure.
We had some issues when trying to deploy to an api proxie and the error message was about no space left.

Error:Error uploading resource app.js:500{"code":"messaging.config.beans.RepositoryError","message":"Repository error","contexts":[],"cause":{"message":"No space left on device","contexts":[]}}

After I deleted some older versions it was fine.

Did you create a support ticket? Is this a paid org or a trial org?

Paid. I did not. I needed to resolve it fast so I tried a bunch of things and then after deleting some revisions I decided to ask about it here.

If you run into this again would you please notify support as well? I'm not aware of any restrictions, so I believe it's not an issue you should encounter. If it happens again it might indicate a need to improve monitoring, etc.

@Bala Kasiviswanathan can you confirm and reply? If we do have space restrictions we should provide a way for users to view their consumption as Andreas initially asked.

I'm curious: how many old revisions did you have?

Around 200? It was a NodeJS application. Around 5-10 MB after downloading the node modules.