What is the IP range used by Apigee Gateway?

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We are testing Apigee to see if it would fit our institution. During this test time, we'd like to setup a few virutal API endpoints in our Apigee instance. The physical API endpoints would be test / dev APIs, that we can't open up to the whole internet. Does anybody know what is the IP range used by Apigee's Gateway? I know that Apigee uses AWS, so the IPs change often. I did do a search and found the posting below. I'm hoping that somebody could point me to the IP range that I could use.


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The steps in the article is the easiest way to get the IPs,

if you are looking for a CIDR block or range of IPs, you need to request support here, https://pages.apigee.com/request-support-general.html. I doubt, if they are available for evaluation environments. How long do you think the evaluation will go on?

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I agree with @Mukundha Madhavan . What has been proposed in the article is the best way to get the IPs of your instance. For free instance that will be the best way to find out.

I don't necessarily agree with that IP changes often. Once you have retrieved the IPs of your gateway they should be fairly stable for some time. It definitely can change but not it does not change every minute or hour or day. It changes only if needed by various upgrades/expansions/maintenance activities etc. For evaluation purposes this should not pose any challenges.

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The steps in the article is the easiest way to get the IPs,

if you are looking for a CIDR block or range of IPs, you need to request support here, https://pages.apigee.com/request-support-general.html. I doubt, if they are available for evaluation environments. How long do you think the evaluation will go on?

I agree with @Mukundha Madhavan . What has been proposed in the article is the best way to get the IPs of your instance. For free instance that will be the best way to find out.

I don't necessarily agree with that IP changes often. Once you have retrieved the IPs of your gateway they should be fairly stable for some time. It definitely can change but not it does not change every minute or hour or day. It changes only if needed by various upgrades/expansions/maintenance activities etc. For evaluation purposes this should not pose any challenges.

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Thanks for the information. I doubt that support is available for the evaluation environments as well. We are only going to be doing this test for three weeks to do a proof of value on Apigee. The IP used by my evaluation Apigee Gateway proxy seems to alternate between two ip addresses. How often does the IP change between your instances? Does it alternate between just two ip addresses?

yes, usually there are 2 message processing instances, that' why you see 2 IPs. you would need to whitelist both the IPs

Good luck with your evaluation!, if you need help or stuck - ask @community