WSDL doesn't get recognized properly by APIGEE

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My WSDL doesn't get parsed properly with all input and output. Attaching the WSDL but for operation like SiebelAccountInsert it only recognized 1 parameter and doesn't parse optional. I don't understand why.


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I just did a quick check of your WSDL and I don't see a definition for the complextype SiebelMessage. The XSD will need to have all elements defined.

I presume you are using the SOAP to Rest wizard to generate your proxy? If so be aware that external references are not resolved in the process.

SiebelMessage is just a mnemonic. For Ex.

<message name="SiebelAccountInsert_Input"> <xsd:sequence> <part name="SiebelMessage" type="xsdLocal0:ListOfAccountInterfaceTopElmt"/> </xsd:sequence> </message>

Seibel Message is type xsdLocal0:ListOfAccountInterfaceTopElmt and this is found in the wsdl. W=SOAP works fine. One more finding, if i remove the StatusObject from the structure and only keep one element in it, it works fine in APIGEE. There was also an issue reported as product bug so don't know whether it is fixed.

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@Srini Chebrolu

Any clues or update on this issue?