Virtual hosts not pointing to Apigee properly?

Not applicable

We've got a virtual host set up with Apigee, and we've set up the relevant CNAME to the placeholder domain that was given to us on signup.

However, when we try to access the API through our virtual host, we're presented with a 200 OK (for /), and it doesn't even appear to touch or request authentication.

The response looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 13:31:01 GMT

Content-Type: text/html

Content-Length: 31

Last-Modified: Thu, 05 Jan 2017 17:28:56 GMT

Connection: close

ETag: "586e8258-1f"

Server: Apigee Router

Accept-Ranges: bytes

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> </html>

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Not applicable
@Shamil Nunhuck

I notice a issue with virtualhost setup for your org with the certs not getting picked by the routers. I will be responding to via the support ticket #1431291 with the next steps.

Arun, thanks. Please do update this Q&A when you have the issue resolved.

Also, what's the issue, can you tell me?

The reason I ask: I have built a tool that scans orgs + environments for vhosts that have conflicting vhost aliases. We saw this at a recent customer so I built a tool, and I was considering releasing it for general use. If you are seeing the same problem, then it would be a persuasive argument that I should release this tool quickly!

Not applicable

@Shamil Nunhuck Working via the ticket we were able to resolve the issue once we updated the keystore with server certificate including the intermediate and the root cert ( combining all the certs into a single PEM file, with the last cert being the root in the order) and the private key. This also required a router restart.