View Error Response Codes per Developer

Not applicable

Hi there,

As API-provider I want to keep an eye on the errors that the API-consumers get. Therefore I want to have a report which shows the number of errors per Developer (or Developer App) and API product. But I want the errors to be grouped into 3xx, 4xx and 5xx exactly like in the Error Analysis report.

Can you please help me?

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The rough outline of your query is: choose dimensions as developer, api_product, and response_status_code

Choose metric as traffic.

You will see the output.

You can do the same via api call which is documented in our user guides.


I have tried this option, but it's not good enough because:

- the response_status_code is stored in the fact table (not aggregated tables). This means that I will get data only for the last 31 days only. Note: we have Apigee installed on our own AWS cloud and we store the delayed API calls requests for 31 days.

The "Error Analysis" report displays usage grouped per "3xx, 4xx and 5xx" from the aggregated tables. More exactly from the analytics.agg_target table. Is there a way I can create a custom report displaying data from this specific table?

Emilia, the aggregation tables do not have a common intersection that has response_status_code and {developer, api_product}. These are in two different tables. Hence, this query will need to go to fact table. One option is for you to run this query repeatedly and create your own side table where you keep the historical results. Can you do that?