Version registry and releases for zip bundles

We generally use gitflow maven plugin for releases but that uses only jar files. Is there any specific plugin or method where we can be use version registry and releases for zip files?

This may not be useful but just giving an example what we use here.

mvn -B -DpushRemote=true gitflow:release-start

mvn -B -DpushRemote=true -DversionDigitToIncrement=1 gitflow:release-finish

0 5 125

Thanks for the question and the same commands.

Can you elaborate on and clarify what you are describing here:

We generally use gitflow maven plugin for releases but that uses only jar files. Is there any specific plugin or method where we can be use version registry and releases for zip files?

What does this mean?

We generally use gitflow maven plugin for releases

what specifically are you releasing? What does it mean "release"? What happens when you use the gitflow maven plugin to "do" a release? What systems get updated? Is there an Apigee organization in that list? With what assets do those systems get updated? (Assume I know nothing about gitflow or your repository that contains source code and configuration metadata).

Also, regarding this:

Is there any specific plugin or method where we can be use version registry and releases for zip files?

I am having trouble making sense of that question. Can you clarify what you mean by "version registry"? and what do you mean by "releases for zip files"? What is the significance of that phrase? Maybe you can ask your question in a different manner?

Hi Dino,

In our Project, We use Gitflow maven plugin for versioning the package but that will be used only for jar files and not zip files. Even though we have revision numbers during each build but that doesn't help when you upload zip file in nexus it keeps appending the version 0.0.1 and doesn't create 0.0.1-2019052...... based on the timestamp. Also revision number and file versioning doesn't going to be same that is different issue altogether. When i searched i don't find any plugin that does this work for zip files. I just want to know if apigee have any plugin or script which does increment versioning.

Version without timestamp


Version with timestamp


I understand what you're saying. Thanks for the additional information.

Do we have any update on this?

I don't have any particular insight into the gitflow maven plugin. I left the question here without answering in hopes that others might be able to contribute.

Without digging pretty deep into your pom.xml files and project structure, I'm afraid I personally won't be of much help.

I think the answer is probably specific to maven and the various plugins you use. I use maven but I'm not an expert in the plugin ecosystem, or which plugins to use to produce and version zip files, and so on. I'd have to google that stuff if I were doing it on my own. For example I found the assembly plugin and the special property. (although see It seems like you could use those in concert to build a zip file with a version number in it.

I had to google the gitflow thing too. But I don't have a nexus system, so I couldn't test that.

Guessing here, I think the key will be to modify your maven config to produce a versioned zip, and then somehow get the gitflow plugin to reference that (maybe via ${}) but ... exactly what pom.xml magic would make that happen, I don't know. Maybe there are multiple projects, one that produces the versioned zip and another that uses gitflow to uploads that zip to nexus.

I can suggest trying stackoverflow, maybe there are more maven experts there.