Verify statistic collector is collecting the data

Not applicable

Hi all,

how to verify the Statistic Collector is working and collecting the data on Apigee cloud ?

It has been over 3 days since the Statistic Collector policy had been applied. Also the API Proxy had been hit multiple times since it.

I had already try the custom reports, but the reports does not show any data.

Is there any way we can query to the Analytics database to verify that the data is already stored ?

0 5 220

Not applicable


Following management API call can be used to retrieve data:

curl{org_name}/environments/{environment}/stats/{custom dimension}?"select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=11/19/2015%2000:00~11/21/2015%2000:00&timeUnit=day"-u email:password

Select query can be changed for different time range, etc.

Hi @rdoda,

I had tried it.

but the result is blank


This explains why custom report is not displaying data.

Could you attach the StatisticsCollectorPolicy code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<StatisticsCollector async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="SC-Success-Response-Collector">
<DisplayName>SC - Success Response Collector</DisplayName>
<Statistic name="planId" ref="sevilla.planId" type="STRING">{sevilla.planId}</Statistic>
<Statistic name="transactionId" ref="sevilla.transactionId" type="STRING">{sevilla.transactionId}</Statistic>
<Statistic name="trans_desc" ref="transaction.desc" type="STRING">{transaction.desc}</Statistic>
<Statistic name="confirmationCode" ref="transaction.confirmationCode" type="STRING">{transaction.confirmationCode}</Statistic>

Not applicable

based on Apigee support team,

there is a problem on APIGEE side (case #1432791)

The Analytics team have come back to me after having found an issue in the backend which prevented the custom columns from getting created.