Validate XML Signatures & prove message Integrity

How to validate XML Signatures for authentication purposes & use XML Signatures to prove message integrity in apigee?

Signature location is in WS-Security block & signing key is in <KeyInfo> block in message.

similar functionality as below



Is there a sample tor refer to achieve it in apigee?

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Not applicable

Season's Greetings @vinay poreddy! Excellent Question!

In my experience, I implemented this by leveraging a Java Callout Policy. The article Signing SOAP Messages - Generation of Enveloped XML Signatures provided some initial thoughts on how to achieve this. One of the challenging parts was to read the keys from a key store, while, for security reasons, Apigee Edge prevents access to the filesystem. However, this is achievable by storing these files in jar files and retrieving them as a file stream. Check full example attached. Hope this sample helps to give you a head start.

public ExecutionResult execute(MessageContext messageContext, ExecutionContext executionContext) {
    InputStream fstream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/templates/stockTemplate.xml"); //read stockTemplate.xml as a class from classpath
    InputStream kfstream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/templates/keystore.jks");

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    IOUtils.copy(fstream, writer, "UTF-8");
    String theString = writer.toString();
    messageContext.setVariable("stockTemplateFileContent", theString); //assign file content to stockTemplateFileContent variable
    messageContext.setVariable("response.content", theString); // assign file content to response.content variable
    String keystoreType = "JKS";
    String keystoreFile = "/keystore.jks";
    String keystorePass = "Password123";
    String privateKeyAlias = "mydomain";
    String privateKeyPass = "Password123";
    String certificateAlias = "mydomain";
    Element element = null;

    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
    String BaseURI = "";//signatureFile.toURI().toURL().toString();  
    ks.load(kfstream, keystorePass.toCharArray());
    PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(privateKeyAlias, privateKeyPass.toCharArray());
    return ExecutionResult.SUCCESS;
} catch (Exception e) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
    String exceptionAsString = sw.toString();           
    messageContext.setVariable("ERROR_MESSAGE", exceptionAsString);
    return ExecutionResult.ABORT;

can you provide a sample proxy for reference.