Using the stats api, how to apply a filter for a specific API proxy?

i am trying to make an api call to get stats for a specific proxy, the url is{org}/environments/prod/stats/apiproxy?select=sum... eq "apiproxy")&timeRange=10%2F14%2F2019+11%3A10~10%2F28%2F2019+12%3A10

this results in null, but for that date range i am having data in apigee. what am i doing wrong

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the filter expression that works for me is

apiproxy in 'proxyname'

And that needs to be url-encoded.

This works for me.

curl -i -n  "$mgmtserver/v1/organizations/$ORG/environments/$ENV/stats/apiproxy?select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=10%2F14%2F2019+11%3A10~10%2F16%2F2019+12%3A10&filter=(apiproxy%20in%20%27${PROXY}%27)"