Using apigee-config-maven plugin with multi-file configuration

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can anyone please provide example about how to use apigee-config-maven plugin with multi-file configuration, I dont fully understand where to set the pom and sharedpom. if you have a repo will be usefull

0 1 331

There is sample code,/config in github which you can try. Here the steps you can try to run samples

  • Get the samples code from below

  • If using windows go to <drive>:/HelloWorld folder
  • Run below command

mvn install -Ptest -Dusername=<orgAdminUser> -Dpassword=<password> -Dorg=<org> -Dapigee.config.options=create

  • ØMaven script will create all org level/env level components that HelloWorld API by referring to edge.json config
  • ØThen it will build and deploy the HelloWorld API in your org by referring to config.json
  • shared-pom.xml has your org level details that is needed for build, in this case you are passing those parameters as command line inputs, so donot have to update this file in this case

Here is command output log for above :

Hope this helps..