Use of '&' in LDAP filters

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I would like to perform a complex filter within my LDAP policy, which uses the 'AND' construct. The filter I want to perform is this:


But when I try to use this in my policy, I get this error:

Error creating object

Bundle is invalid. The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

I have tried the '&' as-is, and escaped (& amp;), but neither works:


<SearchQuery>(& amp;(objectClass=person)(objectClass=user))</SearchQuery>

(Note: I don't really have a space between the & and amp; in my code, but I had to put that there to make it visible on this page.)


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I am facing same issue. Can you some pls one help us?

Not applicable

We are facing the same issue with Search Query and could not locate any Apigee Docs on this problem.Can Apigee Support help resolve this or @Todd Williams if you have a workaround , please share.

Help on this issue is greatly appreciated.

PS : Please ignore the typos on previous message.
