Urgent: Unable to do achieve the below requirement in javascript

Need to achieve the functionality where initially we have to trigger the backend with pageNumber=0 as queryparam where backend returns response in json and we need to check the field hasNext equal to true then increase the pageNumber in queryparam e.g pageNumber=1. This process should go until hasNext equal to false finally we have to concatenate the response.  
Note:  Every time we have to trigger the same endpoint and append the queryparam. pageNumber is starts from 0, goes up to 20 and pageNumber will increase in future. So i have to handle the code now for the increased number. 
Getting first response and nothing happening after that. 
Below is the code: 
// Function to fetch all pages of data
var BackendURL = context.getVariable("BackendURL");
//fetching token from pervious policy 
var accessToken = context.getVariable("access_token");
//Assigning token to the backend
var headers = {"NetWitness-Token": accessToken};
function CyberSecurityResponseHandler(response,error) {
if (response) {
    if(response.status !=200){
context.setVariable('CyberSecurityResponseStatus', response.status);
                context.setVariable('CyberSecurityResponse', response.content);
                throw "error";
            }  else {
            context.setVariable('CyberSecurityResponseStatus', response.status);
                context.setVariable('CyberSecurityResponse', response.content);
var myRequest = new Request(BackendURL,"GET",headers);
var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, CyberSecurityResponseHandler);
// var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, CyberSecurityResponseHandler);
// Function to recursively fetch data until hasNext is false
function fetchData() {
    // Send the request to the backend service
   var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, CyberSecurityResponseHandler, function (httpClientResponse) {
        // Extracting response body
        var responseData = JSON.parse(context.getVariable("response.content"));
        try {
            // Parsing response body as JSON
            // var responseData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
            // Concatenate the current response data with the existing data
            allResponses = allResponses.concat(responseData.data);
            // Check if the response contains the 'hasNext' field and it is true
            if (responseData.hasOwnProperty('hasNext') && responseData.hasNext === true) {
                // Extracting existing pageNumber from query parameter
                var pageNumber = parseInt(request.queryParams.pageNumber || 0); // Assuming default pageNumber is 1
                // Incrementing pageNumber
                // Update the query parameter with the incremented pageNumber
                exchangeObj.request.pageNumber = pageNumber.toString();
                // Call the fetchData function recursively to fetch next page
            } else {
                // If hasNext is false, set the final response content to the concatenated data
                response.content = JSON.stringify(allResponses);
                // Send the final response back to the client
        } catch (error) {
            // Log any errors encountered while parsing JSON
            console.error("Error parsing JSON response: ", error);
            // Send an error response back to the client
            response.content = JSON.stringify({ error: "Error parsing JSON response" });
// Initial array to hold all responses
var allResponses = [];
// Call the fetchData function to start fetching data
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Hi @Prashanth4576 ,

Not sure what this function is doing function CyberSecurityResponseHandler(response,error) 

But to solve your issue, Please replace

var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, CyberSecurityResponseHandler, function (httpClientResponse) {

        // Extracting response body

        var responseData = JSON.parse(context.getVariable("response.content"));


  var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, function (httpClientResponse) {
// Extracting response body
var responseData = JSON.parse(httpClientResponse.content);

 Since you've already made inline handler function for the response, there is no need for CyberSecurityResponseHandler I believe.

httpClientResponse - try using this object throughout the flow. Your code will work as expected.

Good luck 🙂


@chrismca73 , 

Thank you so much for the response.

I have rectified the code but the queryparam "pageNumber "  is not increasing and not appending to the url. 

Let me know do i need to do any changes:

function fetchData() {
// Send the request to the backend service
var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, function (httpClientResponse) {
// Extracting response body
var responseData = JSON.parse(httpClientResponse.content);

try {
// Parsing response body as JSON
// var responseData = JSON.parse(responseBody);

// Concatenate the current response data with the existing data
allResponses = allResponses.concat(responseData.data);

// Check if the response contains the 'hasNext' field and it is true
if (responseData.hasOwnProperty('hasNext') && responseData.hasNext === true) {
// Extracting existing pageNumber from query parameter
var pageNumber = parseInt(request.queryParams.pageNumber || 0); // Assuming default pageNumber is 1

// Incrementing pageNumber

// Update the query parameter with the incremented pageNumber
exchangeObj.request.pageNumber = pageNumber.toString();

// Call the fetchData function recursively to fetch next page
} else {
// If hasNext is false, set the final response content to the concatenated data
response.content = JSON.stringify(allResponses);
// Send the final response back to the client
catch (error) {
// Log any errors encountered while parsing JSON
// console.error("Error parsing JSON response: ", error);
// Send an error response back to the client
// response.content = JSON.stringify({ error: "Error parsing JSON response" });
// sendResponse(response.content);

// Initial array to hold all responses
var allResponses = [];

// Call the fetchData function to start fetching data

Hi @Prashanth4576

Try adding the required query parameter to the request Object "myRequest". Try this simple workaround to solve you case,



//Initial Page number = 1
var pageNumber = 1;

function fetchData() {

	//BackendURL without queryParam;
	var BackendURL = context.getVariable("BackendURL");
	//Adding query param to URL
	BackendURL += "?pageNumber="+pageNumber;
	var myRequest = new Request(BackendURL,"GET",headers);

	// Send the request to the backend service
	var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, function (httpClientResponse) {
	// Extracting response body
	var responseData = JSON.parse(httpClientResponse.content);

		try {
			// Parsing response body as JSON
			// var responseData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
			// Concatenate the current response data with the existing data
			allResponses = allResponses.concat(responseData.data);
			// Check if the response contains the 'hasNext' field and it is true
			if (responseData.hasOwnProperty('hasNext') && responseData.hasNext === true) {
				// Extracting existing pageNumber from query parameter
				//var pageNumber = parseInt(request.queryParams.pageNumber || 0); // Assuming default pageNumber is 1
				// Incrementing pageNumber
				// Update the query parameter with the incremented pageNumber
				pageNumber	+= 1;
				//exchangeObj.request.pageNumber = pageNumber.toString();
				// Call the fetchData function recursively to fetch next page
			} else {
				// If hasNext is false, set the final response content to the concatenated data
				response.content = JSON.stringify(allResponses);
				// Send the final response back to the client
		catch (error) {
		// Log any errors encountered while parsing JSON
		// console.error("Error parsing JSON response: ", error);
		// Send an error response back to the client
		// response.content = JSON.stringify({ error: "Error parsing JSON response" });
		// sendResponse(response.content);

// Initial array to hold all responses
var allResponses = [];

// Call the fetchData function to start fetching data


Dear @chrismca73 ,

For the above code i am not getting initial response also, eventually function is not executing. 

Now i have changed code and wrote in two different javacripts "FetchCompleteResponse" and "CheckfieldStatus" 

FetchCompleteResponse code:


var BackendURL = "https://google.com/sample/api/general?since=2024-01-01T14:00:00.000Z&until=2099-01-01T14:00:00.000Z";
var accessToken = context.getVariable("access_token");
var headers = {"NetWitness-Token": accessToken};

function CyberSecurityResponseHandler(response,error) {
if (response) {

var CyberSecurityResponse = response.content;


var myRequest = new Request(BackendURL,"GET",headers);
var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, CyberSecurityResponseHandler);


CheckfieldStatus Code:

var response = context.getVariable("responseData");
var BackendUri = context.getVariable("uri");
var accessToken = context.getVariable("access_token");
var headers = {"NetWitness-Token": accessToken};

var pagenumber = 0;
if (response.hasNext = true) {

print("has hasNext is true");


BackendURL = BackendUri + "&pagenumber=" + pagenumber;

print("url after appending", BackendURL);

// context.setVariable("request.uri",BackendURL);
var myRequest = new Request(BackendURL,"GET",headers);
var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest);

Snapshot from trace session where queryparam is increasing but unable to hit backend endpoint:



Hi @Prashanth4576 ,

Unfortunately I'm unable to debug the code which you provided. But I tried this single JavaScript with the condition to call the target API 10 times(pageNumber<=10). It is working as expect. Just try rechecking your response handling & parsing logics.



//Initial Page number = 1
var pageNumber = 1;

function fetchData() {
    print("called fetchData")
	//BackendURL without queryParam;
// 	var BackendURL = context.getVariable("BackendURL");
	var BackendURL = "https://xxx.yyy.zz/v1/getDetails"
	var headers = {"NetWitness-Token": "SomeToken"};
	//Adding query param to URL
	BackendURL += "?pageNumber="+pageNumber;
	var myRequest = new Request(BackendURL,"GET",headers);

	// Send the request to the backend service
	var exchangeObj = httpClient.send(myRequest, function (httpClientResponse) {
	// Extracting response body
	var responseData = JSON.parse(httpClientResponse.content);

		try {
			// Parsing response body as JSON
			// var responseData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
			// Concatenate the current response data with the existing data
			allResponses = allResponses.concat(responseData.data);
			// Check if the response contains the 'hasNext' field and it is true
			if (pageNumber<=10) {
				// Extracting existing pageNumber from query parameter
				//var pageNumber = parseInt(request.queryParams.pageNumber || 0); // Assuming default pageNumber is 1
				// Incrementing pageNumber
				// Update the query parameter with the incremented pageNumber
				pageNumber	+= 1;
				//exchangeObj.request.pageNumber = pageNumber.toString();
				// Call the fetchData function recursively to fetch next page
			} else {
				// If hasNext is false, set the final response content to the concatenated data
				// response.content = JSON.stringify(allResponses);
				// Send the final response back to the client
				// sendResponse(response.content);
		catch (error) {
		// Log any errors encountered while parsing JSON
		// console.error("Error parsing JSON response: ", error);
		// Send an error response back to the client
		// response.content = JSON.stringify({ error: "Error parsing JSON response" });
		// sendResponse(response.content);

// Initial array to hold all responses
var allResponses = [];

// Call the fetchData function to start fetching data



Below is the working screenshot, exactly calling 10 times.
