Update Data Masking


I triying Data Masking, with this documentation: https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/security/data-masking

But, when I used "updateMask", the request is OK, but there is not any update in my data masking. Any suggestion about how I must use "updateMask"?

I sent:

curl "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/gdc-latam-apigee-internal-1/environments/dev/debugmas..." -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"requestJSONPaths": [
"variables": [

  • Set the updateMask query parameter to specify a field mask that includes a comma-separated list of fully-qualified names of fields in the debug mask. For example: "requestJSONPaths"
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So, my question is what is the difference to send "updateMask" and not send it. 

I think that if you do not include a field in "updateMask" then the field will not be updated.  Right?  I think that's how the API is defined. I am assuming that's how the service endpoint knows how to apply the PATCH request.

View solution in original post


I think maybe you have a stray trailing comma. This works for me. 

$ curl "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG/environments/$ENV/debugmask" \
  -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
     "requestJSONPaths": [
     "variables": [

Thank you Dino. Without the comma it works. But, my question reffer to parameter "updateMask" in the URL, I've used "updateMask=requestJSONPaths",  for example, when I specify requestJSONPaths, only updated this field, and it must to have all fields, ex. "updateMask=requestJSONPaths&updateMask=variables" to update all JSON request. 

So, my question is what is the difference to send "updateMask" and not send it. 

curl "https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG/environments/$ENV/debugmask?updateMask=requestJS..." -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"requestJSONPaths": [
"variables": [

So, my question is what is the difference to send "updateMask" and not send it. 

I think that if you do not include a field in "updateMask" then the field will not be updated.  Right?  I think that's how the API is defined. I am assuming that's how the service endpoint knows how to apply the PATCH request.

I suppose that, although if it is not sent, it updates everything without problem. Thank you for your reply.